Thursday, November 27, 2008

Welcome to the film/tv blog.

I just had a reevaluation. I sad truth presented itself and I acted. Usually these truths will present themselves and I will give things time, let things sort themselves out. This has worked in the past. I don't know that it will now. Maybe when the writers change, and the cynical critics I love agree that the change is worthwhile, I will watch Heroes again.
I got 5 minutes into last week’s episode and turned it off. Hiro no longer had his complete memory and believed himself to be 10 years old. Is this better than last year when Peter lost his complete memory but could still remember not to wet his pants? No. This is a contrived comic book plot turn that I hate. These are the plot twists that make me read more Warren Ellis and reread Terry Moore. Bye bye Jeph Loeb. Go write The Long Halloween part 3. You were always better a Gotham City than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I love your work, but Heroes has started to repeat itself and suck something large. So Heroes, I officially quit you. Hate it, but I do quit you.
On the movie front, it has been one year. One year ago since I first saw the Academy Award for Best Picture winner No Country For Old Men. I was overwhelmed by how much I liked it. It was as tonally close to the novel that I had read a few months prior. I applauded and spoke very highly of the film. So why, one year later, do I wish something else had won? Because anything else should have. Michael Clayton was a near perfect film that will be watched for years to come. There Will Be Blood was a masterstroke of film making. PT Anderson, you are a God. Both of these films feel as if they are lacking in any way one year later. Daniel Plainview still haunts me. Tom Wilkinson, who has never been better, deserved the Oscar over Bardem. I mean that. I really do. He played a true character. He had an arch. He changed. It was shown in every mannerism and inflection. He was robbed and time will tell.
The new Bond movie is great fun. It’s a bridge from Casino Royale to whatever comes next. It’s a lot of fun and things blow up a lot. Check it out if you get a chance and ignore the reviews. Daniel Craig is Bond. It’s worth your 10 dollars.
Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to my brain and what it thinks about.

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